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Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L)

The Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) framework is implemented at St Columbkille's to help create vibrant and positive learning environments in which all students are supported to reach their full potential.

PB4L is an evidenced-based, organisational framework for behaviour support to enhance respectful relationships and engagement of students in their learning. It encompasses a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies and agreed practices for achieving important social and academic outcomes for all students.

This framework is an integral component of the CEDoW Student Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Policy, which articulates the need for schools to ‘play an active role in building a positive learning environment where the whole school community feels included, connected, safe and respected’.

All staff at our school work together to consistently, proactively and explicitly explicitly teach, affirm and correct agreed behaviour expectations across school-wide, classroom and non-classroom settings, based on our school rules that underpin who we are and what we do at St Columbkille's. These behaviour expectations at our school are at the core of our PB4L model.

At St Columbkille’s, we value learning by being:

  • SAFE

Positive Behaviours for Learning (PB4L) provides students, staff and the community with a structure, processes, tools and a mindset for personal wellbeing and improvement in learning, based on:

  • An emphasis on operationally defined and valued outcomes for all students across all school settings;
  • Established behavioural science principles including:
    • behaviour is learnt and therefore replacement behaviours can be taught;
    • behaviour is lawful and predictable;
    • behaviour occurrences are affected by system and environmental factors that interact with biophysical characteristics of the individual; and
    • adult behaviour significantly influences student behaviour;
  • Research-validated practices, interventions, strategies and curriculum to achieve goals and outcomes;
  • Multiple sources of data to guide decisions and priorities regarding systems and practices staff should select and/or adopt to achieve outcomes; and
  • Multiple opportunities for ‘student voice’.

Parent and carer support is an integral part of the success of PB4L at our school, and we thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support.

For more information, please also see our Rewards Policy and our Behaviour Management Policy.